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Thursday, October 20, 2011

10th Annual Tourism & Hospitality HR Forum

The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) and the Tourism Industry Association of PEI (TIAPEI) present the 10th Annual Tourism & Hospitality HR Forum, November 14-16 in Charlottetown, PEI. The Forum is open to HR and non-HR professionals, both inside and outside of the tourism and hospitality sectors.

Hands-on sessions will focus exclusively on helping you find solutions for the toughest challenges you face today:
  • Staffing seasonal operations
  • Handling labour shortages
  • The impact of social media on your workplace
  • Integrating new Canadians and temporary foreign workers in the workforce
  • Partnerships connecting education and industry
  • Finding the right talent
  • Compensation
  • Succession planning
  • Recruitment and retention strategies Register online today by visiting the CTHRC website.

Nominate a business for the Hotel Association of Canada’s Hall of Fame Awards of Excellence

We have some of the best employers in the country – and they deserve to be recognized for their hard work. The Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) is now accepting nominations for the 2011 Hall of Fame Awards of Excellence.

The Canadian Tourism Human Resources Council sponsors the Human Resources Award, given to programs that develop a human resources culture that attracts, develops, and retains highly qualified employees. The result is motivated staff who are able to generate new or repeat business, create goodwill among guests, provide special services, reverse negative public relations situations, and effectively resolve guest complaints.

Information about all of the awards, eligibility criteria, and nomination forms are available on the HAC website. Applications must be submitted by Monday, November 28.

Service Best workshops around the province

The Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council has organized province-wide Service Best workshops for this fall and winter, making right now the perfect time to register your front-line employees for training in the delivery of superior customer service. This entertaining and interactive workshop provides useful tools for creating memorable customer experiences, responding to customer needs, and turning dissatisfied customers into loyal allies.

Workshops are scheduled throughout the province: Estevan/Weyburn, Humboldt, Meadow Lake, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current and Yorkton.

If you do business in Prince Albert or the Lake Diefenbaker Tourism Destination Area, you can register for one of four special Service Best workshops, Service Best Management, or Service Best Teacher In-Service. Prince Albert aims to be Canada's first "Service Best City", with at least 60% of the city's businesses achieving the designation. Lake Diefenbaker Tourism Destination Area also plans to have 60% of businesses designated, creating a culture of service excellence and drawing more visitors to the area.

For more information, visit or