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Monday, April 23, 2012

2012 Employers of Choice awarded at SHHA conference today

Congratulations to our 2012 Employers of Choice. Becoming an Employer of Choice lets a business become recognized for its outstanding management practices. It's not so much the award (a nice plaque at a spring conference and a certificate to display prominently on your wall, awarded at our Professional Recognition Dinners), but the recognition of the hard work and dedication toward creating the kind of workplace where employees feel valued and supported in their work, where managers know that they have the support they need to do their jobs well, and where customers know that they'll always receive the kind of exceptional service that makes them feel welcome and keep coming back.

In other words, you start by creating a great workplace. Getting the Employer of Choice designation is the independent recognition that you have the kind of business that attracts the best employees and keeps them for the long haul.

This year, we're recognizing nine organizations as Employers of Choice. The fact is, there are many more employers in Saskatchewan that would qualify, if they would sign up and work through the application. That takes a bit of work, what with the questionnaires and surveys and all. We know that. But that work helps your business validate the good practices that you already have, and the detailed audit report prepared by our in-house human resource professionals helps you identify areas that can make you even stronger. Plus, we're there to help you with the tools and resources to engage in human resource "best practices" in every way. With potential shortage of up to 1,300 skilled tourism workers by the end of this year, and 6,500 within the next 13 years, that's a good reason to be recognized as the kind of employer that people want to work for. It's just one more "plus" that helps you attract good workers when everyone else is hanging out their "help wanted" signs.

So, if you haven't registered at the STEC Employer of Choice online portal, why not take a moment to sign up and get started. Registrations open May 1 of each year, and close November 30. (You can sign up to register for the site today - you just won't be able to start work on the EOC process until May 1). That gives you seven months to complete the employer questionnaire and employee surveys. Sign up early, because you should plan on taking several weeks, not all at once, but a little at a time over that seven months, to work through it all.

Here's the official news release:

Nine Tourism Employers of Choice recognized in Saskatchewan

SASKATOON – The Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council (STEC), a division of Tourism Saskatchewan, today presented nine organizations with awards recognizing them as 2012 Employers of Choice. Employers earn the EOC designation for leadership and commitment to best practices in human resources. All nine employers had also received the designation in 2011, including four designated in 2010, the first year of the program. The awards were presented at the Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Conference in Saskatoon.

2012 Employers of Choice:

The tourism Employer of Choice initiative, the first of its kind in Saskatchewan, is designed to help tourism businesses attract and retain staff. Employers receive tools and resources to engage in best practices, increase staff training, improve human resources practices, and become leaders in the tourism sector. Organizations have up to seven months to complete a comprehensive questionnaire that covers seven functional areas of human resources (staffing; learning, training and development; compensation; employee and labour relations; professional practice; organizational effectiveness; and occupational health and safety), as well as a survey completed by at least 25 per cent of frontline and managerial staff. Applicants receive a detailed report outlining their organization’s strengths and potential. Registrations are accepted from May 1 until November 30 each year, with successful applicants announced the following spring.

For information, visit or

For more information, please contact:
Darrell Noakes
Communications and Marketing Specialist
Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council (STEC)
Phone: 306-933-5916
Darcy Acton
Manager of Industry Human Resource Development
Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council (STEC)
Phone: 306-933-7466

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